Sunday, January 31, 2021

This Week at LPHS, February 1-5

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Semester 2!  Please remember that we have a lot of information being shared with students this month either through our ESL lessons, BHM celebration or PBIS information on the return to face to face or remote learning.  Detailed information and your responsibility for all of it is in the post directly below this one.  


* WIDA Begins Today and will continue all week.  Please make sure that the selected students (shared with you last week) are accommodated to the best of your ability. Please also encourage them and remind them that the only way to NOT take this test again in the future is to pass it this time! 

For more information on the WIDA, please see this presentation from our awesome ESL team! 

* Happy Birthday, Lyn Schultz! 


* PD Staff Meeting, 2:50-3:50 Click here to join.  

* Happy Birthday, Brian Hancock! 


* Happy Birthday, Dawn Costlenock and Michele Guiher!


* Materials Pickup, 1:00-3:00 Circle Driveway - If you completed the survey that you wanted materials distributed for second semester, please make sure that they are properly labeled and placed in the media center with the appropriate class roster by Thursday afternoon.  Any materials that are not in this location with the roster will not be distributed.  Also, your help is greatly appreciated with the distribution.  

Communication Protocol:

I probably should have gotten this reminder out earlier, but I need you guys to leave the Group Me chat for emergencies only. When we use it for more than that, some people mute the chat and it defeats the purpose.  

There are other options for communication which include: 

* Whole group email if you have a general question.  

* I can be reached by email or by my cell phone via call or text.  My phone number is 313-850-6138.  I ask that you are mindful of hours for that communication as well.  I am generally good about returning those contacts between 6:00 am (8:00 am on the weekends) and 9:30 pm.  I ask that you contact me outside of those hours for emergencies only.  

* Beyond that, individual communication or emails are best.  

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