I know we have discussed many things happening for the month of February so here is an email that you can refer back to for all of the things happening this month.
February 1st: PBIS Expectations Powerpoint is to be shown with all students 1st and 4th hour. We have added in a couple slides from the last time it was shown that include the behavior matrix, and virtual student expectations. This should be part of your beginning of the semester conversations where you set expectations, create classroom contracts, etc.
For 1st hour Face-to-Face students, please review the entire powerpoint including the virtual learning expectations because if we need to shut down again or a student has to quarantine, we want to make sure they are informed of the expectations.
For 4th hour Virtual students, please feel free to decide if you think it would be beneficial to review all expectations for the building with your class.
Black History Month
February 1st - February 26th: Teachers will share the Black History Month Daily Recognition person of the day during live instruction with 1st and 4th hours every day for the month of February. Showing it during live instruction during 1st and 4th hours daily will ensure that F2F and Virtual students see it everyday. Powerpoint slides will contain audio that will play in present mode and have a video clip attached. It is expected that this should take only 1-5 minutes, however we encourage you to have students engage in discussion.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone that submitted a person to be recognized! I personally learned so much reading about the people you submitted. Unfortunately, since February is such a short month we were unable to include all of your suggestions, however we tried to highlight a wide variety of people that you shared. Thank you again!
February 5th: Window door decorating should be completed by this date. Thank you!
As clarification, you are welcome to do someone in your content area on your door but if you would prefer to highlight someone that is not in your content area that is ok too!
February 8th: Social studies teachers will do the “Say Something” lesson with all of their classes during live instruction.
February 9th: T-shirts should be available for this date. Please wear them (or the ones from last year) on Wednesdays for the rest of the month.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons for February
February 17th and 18th: The math department will be sharing the Gratitude Lesson with their live instruction students. There is audio that will automatically play in present mode, all you have to do is click to the next slide.
February 23rd and 24th: The science department will be posting Gratitude Video and Google Form with their students as an independent work assignment. (This will be shared with you closer to the date).
I hope this clears up any confusion and helps you schedule your month of February. Like mentioned above, we understand that there is a lot of stuff going on this month so if you have any questions, please contact Bridget or Kelly!
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