Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Virtual Staff Meeting, 4/13/20

Hi LPHS Staff,

Here are a few updates from yesterday's virtual staff meeting.  Thank you all for your attendance and for the work you are doing.

Link to Video of Meeting (If you watch it in 2X speed, it is quite entertaining!)

Link to Chat from Virtual Meeting

Link to Staff Meeting Agenda

Link to Continued Learning Plan

Link to Senior Slide Show Directions

Link to LPHS Staff Flipgrid - Please participate in this.  I think it will be a great opportunity for us to share what is working well moving forward.  I would love to see this in use in your Google Classrooms!

Random Important Thoughts:

* The Continued Learning Plan starts officially on April 20.  I forgot to mention that yesterday, thank you APs for covering it in the chat.

* I will get you a list of seniors today that 1. have the required classes to graduate, 2. Need to pass the classes they are in to graduate, and 3. Need credit recovery classes as well as the classes they are in to graduate. (Thank you counselors for getting me this information.) I am asking that you communicate with counselors especially regarding students on lists 2 and 3 throughout the semester.  If they are in jeopardy of not passing your class, counselors need to be made aware ASAP.

* When you enter assignments in MiStar, immediately mark everyone excused from the task.  Once a student submits work to you, you can grade it and change that for them individually.  This is important!

* A lot of parents and students have asked if the work is mandatory.  Remember that we can not make it mandatory.  I saw a question in the chat yesterday regarding student motivation.  We will not say that it is mandatory nor insinuate that it is mandatory.  Remember that our families and students are in a large variety of different situations in their homes.  Our goal is to offer opportunities for engagement, grade improvement, and connection to the staff.  The integrity of the grade conversation can not be had right now!

* If a student inquires about Work permits, please tell them to email me.  I will take care of the rest.

* We will have another virtual staff meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at 2:45.  I'll keep it brief, try to answer some questions and go from there.  Here is the link to the meeting.

* Phone Number Updates - If you get a new parent phone number through your contacts or have numbers that need to be deleted form MiStar, please email Toni McCann.  She will take care of this for you.  Thank you, Toni!

That's it for today, thank you so much for all you are doing to keep our students a top priority!

Stay safe and talk to you soon!


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Communication Links

Hi Friends,

I am trying to compile all of the information you need in one place so you don't have to keep searching through your email to find everything.  Please see below for the needed links.  I will update as the list grows. 

LPHS Communication Call Log

Call Log Directions

Call Log FAQ

Special Education Call Log

Virtual Staff Meeting, March 31 Agenda

Virtual Staff Meeting Video - March 31

Virtual Staff Meeting Chat Log - March 31

Using Google Hangouts for a Class Meeting

Google Hangouts General Instructions

Using Google Classroom

Voicemail Instructions for Accessing Your School Voicemail

Staff Directory with all Extensions for LPHS

* Google Voice - There are some concerns with privacy and limits to the number of calls that can be made.  At this time, LPPS is asking you to avoid this option.