Sunday, November 27, 2022

This Week at LPHS, November 28 - December 2


* PSP Meeting - After school releases, please complete your PSP form either on your own or with your teaching partners.  Do NOT submit prior to dismissal.  


* Suspension Symposium, 2nd Hour - More Information to follow


* Nightlock Inspection during the school day.  If you feel the need to practice with the actual device, it is available in my office for you to briefly borrow.  Remember that any staff member can be asked to show the inspector how to use it.  

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Welcome Baby Hierlihy!

Alexander Allen Hierlihy was born at 2:45 am on Friday at Henry Ford Wyandotte.  Alexander weighed in at 8 lbs and measured 20 inches long.  Both mom and baby are doing well.  Congratulations to Tommy and the Hierlihy family and welcome to the Railsplitter family, Alexander! 

This Week at LPHS, November 21-25


* Lock Down Drill, 2:00 pm - For this drill, an announcement will be made that we are entering a lockdown drill.  Please take this time to review the ALICE procedure, which can be found here.  Explain to students what the acronym means and what each step may look like.  You can also remind students that when/if we were to evacuate, the goal would be to use the nearest accessible exit and reunification would be determined based on the exit that was taken.  It could include the middle school, board office, or the stores west of the school and across the bridge on Champaign.  Another announcement will be made at the conclusion of the drill.  

* Progress Reports are due at 2:45. 


* 1/2 Day - All Six Hours following the schedule below.  

* Parent Teacher Conferences - In Person 12:00-2:00 and 5:00-7:00, phone conferences 2:00-3:00 and 7:00-8:00.  In the Two Minute Drill last week, parents were advised to email specific teachers they needed a call from.  Please call these parents and document them in your sign in sheets.  Please do the same for any student receiving a D or lower in your class at the time of conferences.  

* All staff must sign in for parent teacher conferences in both the afternoon and evening sessions.  

Wednesday through Friday:

* No School for Thanksgiving Break


* Happy Birthday, Scott Sitek! 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

This Week at LPHS, November 14-18


* Early Release

* Staff Meeting in LPHS Media Center, 1:48-3:48 - During this meeting we will have to presentations.  The first from "Stop the Bleed" will begin at 1:50 so please make sure you are in the media center on time.  The ELA Department will be presenting after them.  


* Book Study Session 3, 7:00-7:45 in LPHS Media Center

* Happy Birthday, Mendie Russell! 


* Suspension Symposium - All students that have been suspended to this point in the school year will be called to the auditorium and will be in the auditorium for all of second hour.  A list of included students will be emailed out on Wednesday.  Please do not publicly refer to this as something for suspended students only.  


* Perfect Attendance Assembly All students with perfect attendance so far this school year will be called to the media center during third hour to receive a reward for being in every class on time for every day of the school year thus far.  A list of these students will be provided on Thursday.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

This Week at LPHS, November 7-11


* PD Day - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

* For the 8:00-11:00 time slot, those not specifically assigned somewhere on the schedule below will be working with departments to complete the following items: 

1. Resource Review - All storage areas for each department need to be reviewed and organized.  Please label anything that can be disposed of and send me one email from each department with the items that can be pitched, their current location and approximately how many there are.  DO NOT THROW ANYTHING THAT WAS PURCHASED BY THE DISTRICT AWAY WITHOUT PERMISSION. 

2. Make sure all accommodation logs of students in your classes are up to date. 

3. Ensure that Planbook is up to date with relevant information.  

4. Submit your two professional goals in SFS if you haven't done so already. 

5. Co-Planning with Teaching Partners (same subject or special ed)

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 

* Prestige will be in the Auditorium taking senior pictures for all students that have signed up.