Sunday, September 27, 2020

This Week at LPHS, September 28 - October 2

 This week will be the finalization of our first set of students invited in for face to face learning.  Please make sure you review the Small Group Plan and understand the expectations.  You can also review the staff meeting from last week in the links to the right.  When the list is shared with teachers on Thursday morning, you will need to review the list to ensure you do not have more than 10 students in any single class and no more than you have total desks throughout the day.  If your face to face learners should exceed either number, please email Dan Mercer.  


* Early Release, Staff Meeting 1:55-2:45

* Happy Birthday, Kristie O'Connor! 


* Happy Birthday, Halley McKenzie! 


* Friday office hours due to Dan by the end of the day


* Fire Drill, 9:00 am

Monday, September 21, 2020

Staff Email from September 21, 2020

Hello All,  

This email will have updates on multiple issues relevant to the next couple of weeks.  As you know, we are allowed to start bringing in IEP, 504 and EMC students this week.  In addition, we will have a small number of ELL students here to work with Ghada and the EL facilitators.  

Sick Student: Every day, in every school across America, students tell staff that they aren't feeling good.  This year, that obviously presents a different challenge.  Please read this plan carefully to know what your responsibility is if this should happen to you.  If, during the day, you should start to not feel well, please let the main office know as well and await further instruction from an administrator.  We will deal with this ASAP. Please remember that the best way to address any of this is to socially distance, wear your masks, and wash your hands.  

Blue Tape: In each of your mailboxes today is a roll of blue painter tape.  When you have students in your classroom, assign them seats that are socially distanced as much as possible and mark the desks with a small piece of the blue tape that is clearly visible.  You would do the same for each hour.  This will allow maintenance to clearly focus in these areas during the evening.  This is each classroom teacher's responsibility.  Please do your best to enforce it and let us know if there is something you need help with. 

Cameras/Microphones: This item was placed in your mailboxes today. Please see the information from tech in this week's blog update.  Remember that it will take at least 15 minutes for it to auto-install on your computer.  Plan accordingly.  

Staff Meeting Questions: Should you have a question that is relevant to the entire staff that you do not feel comfortable asking during our meeting, you may enter that question here.  The form is anonymous.  

Have a great afternoon and see you tomorrow! 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

This week at LPHS, September 21 - 25

 This week will be the first with students in LPHS classrooms.  We are excited to start bringing extremely small groups of students, mostly all with IEPs, in this week.  As a reminder, no student should be brought in without first getting permission from the LPHS Admin.  If there are students that you feel are in significant need of in person services, academic, social, or emotional, please speak to one of us.  

Sick Students: With students returning, there is the possibility of a student telling you that they are not feeling well.  If this is the case, please ask the student to wait in the hallway outside of your classroom and call administration or intervention before sending them to the office.  Any student not feeling well will be taken to the old attendance office where they will be cared for and parents will be instructed to come get them.  

Small Group/Face to Face Instruction: This document highlights the drafted plan for small group instruction starting on October 5.  I know there is some angst regarding this topic, please know that working together will allow us to meet the needs of our students and also begin to progress towards "normal" operations.  

Web Cameras: Cameras with built in microphones are being delivered to classrooms this weekend and tomorrow.  These are to be used with desktops.  Please see the message below from the tech department: 

The cameras are "plug and play".  It could take up to 15 minutes after it is plugged in to the usb port for the computer to initialize it and install the correct driver.  Once the driver is installed, the camera and mic will appear as the default option in Google Meet.  The 15 minute wait time is only for the first time the camera is installed on the desktop.

Something we have noticed is that Google Meet uses a lot of resources on our aging desktops.  It is best to have as few programs open as needed when conducting Meets on the desktop computer.  Also, streaming a video over Google Meet uses even more resources.  When possible, it would be best to have the students watch the video outside of the Google Meet environment.  For example, if you would like the student to watch a YouTube video, have them watch it before or after the Meet.  When the teacher shares their screen in the Meet and then plays the video, it will use up just about all the resources the desktop computer has.

This week at LPHS: 


* Small Group Instruction for Groups A and B. 


* Small Group Instruction for Groups C and D

* Staff Meeting, 2:45-3:45 - These meetings will remain virtual for now.  The link can be found in the LPHS Staff Google Calendar or here.  As a reminder, you should plan on being IN the building for these meetings unless you are one of the staff members approved to be home by HR.  


* Small Group Instruction for Groups A and B

* Happy Birthday, David Carter! 


* Small Group Instruction for Groups C and D

* Happy Birthday, Nancy Voltattorni! 


* Teacher Office Hours - Reminder, an email should be sent prior to the end of the work day on Thursday to Dan, with your plans for Friday.  This can include bringing IEP students into the school for specific support/services. 

* Fire Drill, 1:30

Have a great week everyone! 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

This Week at LPHS, September 14-18

 Hello All, 

Thank you for your valiant efforts in making the first week of school a success.  It is appreciated and the feedback from our families and students has been great.  A special thank you to those of you that volunteered to help with the supply pick-up on Friday.  I know that may not have been your favorite way to spend the day, but it went a long way to help our students and families!  

Some updates: 

* Google Meets: Please make sure to see the email I just sent (Sunday, 9/13 at 7:40 pm) from Mr. Sueta in regards to the best way to host and maintain control of your Google Meets.  

* School Resource Officer: Ryan Hammerle was promoted within the LPPD and thus will not be serving as the LPHS School Resource Officer any longer.  Ryan was a HUGE part of what we have been able to do here for the last four years and did a lot of work to establish relationships between the community, specifically our students, and the LPPD.  We appreciate all of his time here.  Replacing him in the position at LPHS will be Sgt. Brian Hancock.  Brian shadowed Ryan for a few days last year and filled in while Sgt. Hammerle was out of the district.  His email is should you need to contact him.  

* Attendance Guidance: The following document was shared to offer guidance on using the attendance/engagement program in MiStar.  

This Week's Happenings: 


* Groups A and B receive remote instruction

* Happy Birthday to Ghada Ahmad and Sam Nikischer! 


* Groups C and D receive remote instruction
* Staff Meeting, 2:45-3:45 - This will be virtual


* Groups A and B receive remote instruction


* Groups C and D receive Remote Instruction

* Varsity Football at Home (No staff, unless they are required for the carryout of the event, will be allowed in any sporting events this year.) Don has been working to develop streaming opportunities and will have more information on this in the near future.  


* Virtual Office Hours Day. For more information on what you should be planning for any of these days, please click here.  


* Happy Birthday, Bruce Knick! 

Have a great week, everyone! 

Monday, September 7, 2020

This Week at LPHS, September 7 - 13

 Our weekly updates continue for the 2020-2021 School Year.  I will continue to do my best to try to get you these every Sunday Evening.  

Monday, September 7

* No School, Labor Day

Tuesday, September 8

* Special Ed Meeting, 8:00-11:00

* LPHS Staff Q & A, 12:00-1:00

* Happy Birthday, Heidi Schwochow! 

Wednesday, September 9

* First Day of School, Reminder that you are following the bell schedule for whole group instruction.  

* Make sure your Google meet link is posted in both your virtual, and your face to face Google Classrooms.  See the staff meeting video if you don't know how to do this. 

Thursday, September 10

* Full Day, Following the same schedule as above. 

Friday, September 11

* No Students, Office Hours day - Please make sure that you have your Groups posted, with a schedule for groups following the district's Distance Learning Plan, posted to your Google Classroom prior to the end of the school day.  

* Supply Pick-Up, 10:00-2:30 in the student parking lot

* Happy Birthday, Brittany Teets! 

Saturday, September 12

* Happy Birthday, Phil Kubitz! 

Have a great week everyone!  

Lots of Info, All in One Place

September 7, 2020

I am going to attempt to collect all of the important information for our return to learn plan here.  I will continue to add links as they become available.  

Virtual Learning Plan - Secondary  Schedule is below

Site Visit Survey - Must be completed every day you come to work.  

Opening Staff Meeting, September 8, 2020  -  Slide Show for Opening Staff Meeting, with Links

Attendance Video

Two Minute Drill, September 4, 2020

September Teaching Schedule (Expectations for the First Month of School)

LPHS Specific Return To Learn FAQ (Sent to all LPHS Families)

How to Add the Daily Health Screening to your iPhone home screen

August 25, 2020 Staff Meeting

Using Restorative Practices in a Virtual Environment

Student Engagement in MiStar