Sunday, September 20, 2020

This week at LPHS, September 21 - 25

 This week will be the first with students in LPHS classrooms.  We are excited to start bringing extremely small groups of students, mostly all with IEPs, in this week.  As a reminder, no student should be brought in without first getting permission from the LPHS Admin.  If there are students that you feel are in significant need of in person services, academic, social, or emotional, please speak to one of us.  

Sick Students: With students returning, there is the possibility of a student telling you that they are not feeling well.  If this is the case, please ask the student to wait in the hallway outside of your classroom and call administration or intervention before sending them to the office.  Any student not feeling well will be taken to the old attendance office where they will be cared for and parents will be instructed to come get them.  

Small Group/Face to Face Instruction: This document highlights the drafted plan for small group instruction starting on October 5.  I know there is some angst regarding this topic, please know that working together will allow us to meet the needs of our students and also begin to progress towards "normal" operations.  

Web Cameras: Cameras with built in microphones are being delivered to classrooms this weekend and tomorrow.  These are to be used with desktops.  Please see the message below from the tech department: 

The cameras are "plug and play".  It could take up to 15 minutes after it is plugged in to the usb port for the computer to initialize it and install the correct driver.  Once the driver is installed, the camera and mic will appear as the default option in Google Meet.  The 15 minute wait time is only for the first time the camera is installed on the desktop.

Something we have noticed is that Google Meet uses a lot of resources on our aging desktops.  It is best to have as few programs open as needed when conducting Meets on the desktop computer.  Also, streaming a video over Google Meet uses even more resources.  When possible, it would be best to have the students watch the video outside of the Google Meet environment.  For example, if you would like the student to watch a YouTube video, have them watch it before or after the Meet.  When the teacher shares their screen in the Meet and then plays the video, it will use up just about all the resources the desktop computer has.

This week at LPHS: 


* Small Group Instruction for Groups A and B. 


* Small Group Instruction for Groups C and D

* Staff Meeting, 2:45-3:45 - These meetings will remain virtual for now.  The link can be found in the LPHS Staff Google Calendar or here.  As a reminder, you should plan on being IN the building for these meetings unless you are one of the staff members approved to be home by HR.  


* Small Group Instruction for Groups A and B

* Happy Birthday, David Carter! 


* Small Group Instruction for Groups C and D

* Happy Birthday, Nancy Voltattorni! 


* Teacher Office Hours - Reminder, an email should be sent prior to the end of the work day on Thursday to Dan, with your plans for Friday.  This can include bringing IEP students into the school for specific support/services. 

* Fire Drill, 1:30

Have a great week everyone! 

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