Hello All,
This email will have updates on multiple issues relevant to the next couple of weeks. As you know, we are allowed to start bringing in IEP, 504 and EMC students this week. In addition, we will have a small number of ELL students here to work with Ghada and the EL facilitators.
Sick Student: Every day, in every school across America, students tell staff that they aren't feeling good. This year, that obviously presents a different challenge. Please read this plan carefully to know what your responsibility is if this should happen to you. If, during the day, you should start to not feel well, please let the main office know as well and await further instruction from an administrator. We will deal with this ASAP. Please remember that the best way to address any of this is to socially distance, wear your masks, and wash your hands.
Blue Tape: In each of your mailboxes today is a roll of blue painter tape. When you have students in your classroom, assign them seats that are socially distanced as much as possible and mark the desks with a small piece of the blue tape that is clearly visible. You would do the same for each hour. This will allow maintenance to clearly focus in these areas during the evening. This is each classroom teacher's responsibility. Please do your best to enforce it and let us know if there is something you need help with.
Cameras/Microphones: This item was placed in your mailboxes today. Please see the information from tech in this week's blog update. Remember that it will take at least 15 minutes for it to auto-install on your computer. Plan accordingly.
Staff Meeting Questions: Should you have a question that is relevant to the entire staff that you do not feel comfortable asking during our meeting, you may enter that question here. The form is anonymous.
Have a great afternoon and see you tomorrow!
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