Hello Everyone,
I hope you've had a wonderful weekend. A couple of notes before we get on to the week ahead:
* Accuracy with attendance has been lacking so far this year. I know it is difficult at the start of the year when you don't know all of your students, but by this point it is essential that it is done correctly each period. Thank you to those of you that pay careful attention to this and are sure that your attendance is accurate each hour.
* E-Hall Pass should be common practice by now. This has already helped us to address some parent concerns and behavior concerns with small groups of students. The data we are getting is incredibly valuable and the admin group will continue to evaluate that as we look at what changes need to be made in the coming weeks. The rollout has been awesome and the way everyone has adjusted to a big change has been awesome! Thank you to all of you for putting the little bit of extra effort to make sure you were prepared for this!
* Finally, if a student reports to you that they have covid, please forward any information to Chanelle so that she can mark them out as on quarantine. Close contacts no longer need to quarantine and will not be marked as such. Chanelle or an admin should be the only people adjusting attendance with the quarantine code or notifying a family of the return date.
* Early Release Meeting, 1:48-2:48 in LPHS Media Center
* Happy Birthday, Kristie O'Connor!