* Happy Birthday, Joe Celsi!
* Staff Meeting - Optional Defusing Session with Jenny Sloan from STARR. If you would like to participate, please email Dan today so he can send you the link.
* Tornado Drill, 2:00
* Judge Clifton Assemblies - Juniors and Seniors 2nd hour, Freshmen and Sophomores 3rd Hour (Please take attendance and quickly report to the auditorium. The assembly will last the duration of the assigned class period. There will be no seating chart, but you must have your class sit together and teachers must stay with them.)
* Happy Birthday, Erin Orzol!
* Happy Birthday Don McKenzie!
March 28 through April 1 - Spring Break!
March 29:
* Happy Birthday, Debbie Howell!
April 1:
* Happy Birthday, Mike Sherman!
April 3:
* Happy Birthday, Silvia Rutowicz!