Sunday, January 2, 2022

This Week at LPHS, January 3-7, 2022

 Happy New Year LPHS Staff!  

I hope that you've all had a great break and are healthy and well rested as we return to close out the first semester.  A couple of reminders as we come back. 

Attendance: If a student is in quarantine and does not logon, please do not change their attendance from the quarantine code.  If a student is supposed to be face to face and logs into your class, they are to be marked absent.  If they report to you that they have covid, are a close contact, etc. please direct them to email their assistant principal.  They will not be placed in quarantine until this is confirmed.  

COVID Reports: Any student that reports to you that they have covid should be directed to the student's AP. 

Door Locks: As a reminder, now that we have the key card access, absolutely no entrance to the building should ever be left unlocked or open.  This is a nonnegotiable. 

Classroom Doors: Classroom doors should always be kept in the locked position.  You have the option of leaving your classroom door open, using the magnet in your door to allow students access, or to answer the door when someone knocks.  

Tardy Sweeps: These will continue as we start back.  Please make sure that attendance is taken promptly and accurately.  There has been some confusion as to whether we mark students tardy to first hour.  The answer is yes.  The same guidelines apply.  

Passes: No student should leave your classroom without the printed, purple pass.  No passes are allowed during fourth hour.  

With all that said, please see the details on the week ahead below: 


* SST Meeting, 8:00 am, Room 144


* PBIS Meeting, 7:10 am, Room 144


* Happy Birthday, Adam Cohen! 

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