Hello All,
We made it through the first semester! As we start our second semester, please make sure that your gradebook is set up as we discussed at the beginning of semester 1.
We will also have kids switching between face to face and virtual as we make our way through this first week. Please be patient, it is a process that we have to follow.
* First day of Second Semester - Any student that does not have their schedule can be sent to the Media Center. Please also post the below lunch schedule during your first hour for students.
* SEL Lesson during 4th Hour - Emailed to you by Dan on Friday, January 28.
* Early Release - Staff Meeting in Media Center, 1:48-2:48
* PSP on final assessment data - 2:48-3:48
* Happy Birthday, Geoffrey Kopp!
* SST Meeting, 8:00 in Room 144
* Happy Birthday, Brian Hancock!
* Happy Birthday, Michele Guiher and Dawn Costlenock!
* Lockdown Drill, 11:20 - During A Lunch