Monday, November 15, 2021

This Week at LPHS, November 15-19

 Good Afternoon, 

In the schedule for the week below, you will find the information regarding the SEL lesson that is to be taught during fourth hour on Tuesday, November 16.  This information has been organized in one place for you.  This lesson is not optional for you.  This is curriculum that must be taught.  

I want to be very clear about this, so that there is no confusion.  I fully recognize the difficulty of this school year.  With that being said, relationships and teaching are our only tools to get through it.  Thus far, 93% of the suspensions in this building have been given to 9th and 10th grade students.  This is the result of us not having time yet to do what you all do best, develop meaningful relationships with students and provide sound instruction.  We are working on solutions.  These are the expectations of being a teacher at LPHS: 

* Active Supervision Wherever Possible (This includes being present at classroom doorways, actively moving around the lunch room if you are a lunch worker, and addressing hallway behavior concerns where appropriate.)

* Teach Social Emotional Learning and embrace that your relationship with your students is what matters most. 

* Complete this survey to help be a part of the solution.  


SEL Lesson during Fourth Hour - For easy access, here is all of the resources for the SEL lesson for 4th hour tomorrow:

Lesson Plan


Pre-test; Please utilize this pre-test with the lesson tomorrow: 

Please remember to add the slides to your google classrooms for students to return back to. 

Also, I know our presentation was quick and didn't allow much time for questions, I apologize for that. I know there were some questions about the data backing Social-Emotional Learning, which we did quickly jump over while presenting. Here is a link to CASEL which touches on the data that supports the need of social-emotional learning for your review. Also, we understand that this may be out of your comfort zone for many of you, and I appreciate you being vulnerable to learn and teach something that you aren't as familiar with. 

Finally, to clarify, SEL is not a new initiative that is taking the place of Trauma-Informed Resilient Focused teaching or PBIS, but rather they are all pieces of the same puzzle. Many of you teach Social-Emotional skills daily without even realizing that you are (or maybe you are intentionally doing it). This curriculum is about intentionally and explicitly teaching these skills to students, many of which seem to be struggling with many of them.

As always, we are here to support you. Reach out to your coach or an admin if you would like support or have any questions. 

* Tuesday is an early release - We will meet in the Media Center from 1:48 until 2:43. After the meeting, you will complete the PSP we were supposed to do last week and will be dismissed.  

* Happy Birthday, Mendie Russell! 

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