I hope everyone had an excellent Thanksgiving and is ready to go for this three week stretch until Christmas. As I stated prior to our break, this next three weeks are going to go a long way for us to set a tone and correct some behaviors that have gotten out of control. Here are the consistent steps I need you to take to ensure these efforts are meaningful:
1. If a student arrives in class with a backpack, tell them to go to their locker and they can't return with it. If they get back after the bell, mark them tardy.
2. Students are not allowed to "check in" prior to the bell and then leave the room until after the bell rings. If they do this, they are tardy.
3. No student should be given a pass at all for the first ten minutes of every class. (This has always been the case, but has not been followed by some teachers. I am not sure why this is the case, but it needs to stop.
4. If a student leaves your classroom, they MUST leave with a pass.
5. If a student is tardy, mark them tardy. If they are more than 10 minutes late, mark them as a Z. Both of these apply to first hour.
6. This one is critically important. This year has been more difficult than most, but it hasn't been as bad as many of the stories I've heard from our own staff. One day, many adults were discussing the six fights that happened that day. There were two. While two is two too many, the rumor spreading and fear mongering amongst the staff has to stop. If you have questions, any of the four of us will answer them for you. This is very unproductive and not helpful at all.
These are the steps that we are making as an admin team:
1. A Two Minute Drill will be provided for you to share today during third hour. You MUST share this video and reinforce it's message with your classes.
2. After school detentions will start this week and will be targeted at our most habitual offenders of the tardy and backpack policies.
3. Random students will be selected each hour if they are in the hallway when classes start to have a conversation with an administrator, call home, and after school detention depending on their attendance record. (We won't be writing detentions for students that are tardy the first time and unlucky.)
4. Tardy sweeps will begin on Tuesday morning. After second hour has begun, I will make an announcement for teachers to lock their doors and any student still in the hallways to report to the cafeteria. These students will be assigned an after school detention for Wednesday. Students will leave the cafeteria with a detention slip which will be their ticket into your classroom. DO NOT LOCK THE DOORS BEFORE THE ANNOUNCEMENT.
5. Admin, SSW, Counselors and Student Leaders will be meeting with every student that has been suspended this year on Tuesday during third hour. (I will send you this list on Tuesday morning.). This meeting is designed to be an opportunity for us to provide some education, resources, and ultimately an ultimatum that their behavior can not continue. All suspended students will be assigned a staff mentor. This will be shared with you Tuesday as well.
I promise you that correcting these behaviors will be my main focus for the next three weeks. I need it to be all of yours as well so that we can get back to where we were pre-covid. I know you are all capable and dedicated professionals. I appreciate your every effort towards consistency. Finally, if you have a sub in your hallway, please feel free to stop in and share this information with them. We need them as well.
This Week's Schedule:
* Two Minute Drill to be shared during all Third Hour Classes
* Second Hour - Tardy Sweep (This will begin two minutes after the bell rings to start class. We will gradually move this up to the actual bell, but want to address our biggest offenders first.)
* Third Hour - Meeting with all suspended students in LPHS Auditorium. A list of students will be emailed out on Tuesday morning. These students will all check into class and then I will make an announcement to send them to the auditorium. Please do not single them out with anything like "If you've been suspended, go to the auditorium." We will address this when the students are in the same space, but I do not want any staff member saying this to the students prior to that.
* SST meeting, 8:00 am, Room 144
* PBIS Meeting, 7:10 in LPHS Media Center
* Tardy Sweep 5th Hour
Friday and Saturday
* LPHS Drama Club presents their fall musical. 7:00 pm in the LPHS Auditorium both days.