This week is one of my favorites of the year. It's a time for us to celebrate being Railsplitters! This year, we've tried to make is at action packed and eventful as possible in order to make it extra special. Please check out the calendar below for all of the information on the week.
* Spirit Day - Sports Day
* Powder Puff Football Game, 6:30 LPHS Stadium - Come watch Coach Kish and the Senior and Freshmen class ladies take on Coach Celsi and the Sophomores and Juniors!
* Happy Birthday, David Carter!

* Spirit Day - Circus Themed
* Early Release - Dismissal at 1:45, Meeting to begin at 1:55 in the LPHS Media Center
* PSP Due for all staff
* Meet the Candidate Lunch
* Academic Excellence Awards, 7:00 - LPHS Auditorium
* Happy Birthday, Nancy Volttatorni!
* Spirit Day - Wacky Wednesday
* Motivational Speaker, First hour will dismiss 10 minutes early at 8:38 am. Students will report to their second hour class where attendance will be taken and then classes will be called down to the Auditorium for the motivational speaker. Second hour will dismiss from there. (Please make sure to sit with your classes in the assigned spaces.)
* Link Crew Event - Cookies and Clubs at dismissal - Please encourage your freshmen to attend!
* Spirit Day - Class Color Day (Staff Color is Black)
* Homecoming Assembly - 3rd Hour (Second Hour will dismiss 10 minutes early at 9:41, students should report to their third hour where attendance will be taken and then classes will be called to the auditorium. (Please make sure to sit with your classes in the assigned spaces.) Third hour will dismiss from the auditorium.
* Voting for King and Queen will take place during fourth hour and lunches, and will end at 12:45.
* After School Decorating
* LP Athletics Hall of Fame Inductions, - 6:00 - LPHS Cafeteria
* Happy Birthday, Caryn Blinski!
* Homecoming Breakfast, 7:15 am, LPHS Cafeteria
* Pep Assembly, 6th Hour in the LPHS Stadium, School Dismisses from the Stadium
* Homecoming Parade, lineup begins at 4:45, Parade Steps Off at 5:15
* Homecoming Football Game, 7:00 - King and Queen announced at halftime
* Homecoming Dance
- Decorating begins at 9:15
- Chaperones to arrive by 6:30
- Dance 7:00-10:00
* Happy Birthday, Kristie O'Connor!
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