Sunday, June 9, 2019

This Week at LPHS, June 10 - 14

Hello All,

We made it to the last week!  What a year it has been!  There have been so many positive things happening in our school and I am incredibly grateful for your efforts to make sure this is a special place for our students to attend.  I look forward to working with you to build on this year and continue to grow as a staff and a community.  Please see below for the schedule for the week.

Since I did not do a blog update last week, I missed the birthday of the week.  Kelly Seagram celebrated her birthday yesterday.  I hope it was a great one! 


* An attendance update will be provided at the end of the day for you to use for the attendance incentive.  Please remember that in the incentive, we stated that if students had 3 or less absences, a 75% or greater in your class, and zero suspensions, they would not have to take the final exam or be present on the day of the exam. 

* I wanted to address some frustration over not counting the medical absences in the attendance incentive.  If we were to do so, this would become a far more difficult process and likely not have the same affect.  Simply put, these excuses are too easy to get and I do not want to put us in the position of determining which medical excuses are relevant and which are not.  I hope that you are able to understand that and express this to the students as well.  The bottom line is that this incentive has shown to increase our student attendance and I am looking forward to expanding upon it for next year.  

* Happy Birthday, Rob Sherwin! 


* PBIS Meeting, 7:10 in the LPHS Media Center


* Finals in hours 1 and 2, Dismissal at 11:00


* Finals in hours 3 and 4, Dismissal at 11:00

* Staff Barbecue after dismissal in the Cafeteria Courtyard


* Finals in hours 5 and 6, Dismissal at 11:00

* Happy Birthday, Mayor Karnes! 

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