Teachers: Please read this to students before showing video.
Did you know that when you brush your teeth with the water running you are wasting 2 gallons of water? When taking a shower, 25 gallons...
The average American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home, which comes right out of their faucets.
The African family uses five gallons of water each day, which they obtain by walking for an hour or more and carrying home in a bucket on their heads.
If you had access to only five gallons of water a day, how would you change the way you use water?
Many questions to make you think about the importance of water.
Teacher: Please read after video.
Students at Lincoln Park High School are beginning a fund raising project to fund the construction of a well in Senegal. Please see Mrs. Ahmad (room 140) or Mrs. Anderson ( Room 255) for more information and watch for upcoming projects.
Questions that can be discussed in class to go along with the project:
Use the video and your background knowledge to answer the following questions:
a. Approximately how many people live without clean drinking water?
b. Where is the water crisis occurring?
c. What is impacted by the water crisis?
d. What are some examples of things that women and children miss out on by spending time gathering water?
e. What makes the walk to get water challenging?
f. What could happen if someone drinks contaminated water?
g. Who is most affected by germs from dirty drinking water?
h. What are some solutions?
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