* Early Release/Staff Meeting Collaboration Time (1:45 dismissal)
Here is the message from district HR regarding this time:
Tuesday, October 10 will be our first time having an early release and staff meeting where many teachers will be traveling to different buildings to meet.
Over the past few years we have had many requests for grade level/subject area teachers to collaborate and learn together. We are very excited to have this opportunity through the new early release time. Please use this time to collaborate with your colleagues to develop best practices within your grade or subject area. This collaborative time will be beneficial as we continue to build the system of teacher collaborative routines and ensure high quality instruction.
As we continue to prepare for next week's early release please keep in mind a few suggestions:
Please do your best to arrive at your location as quickly as possible. Try to ignore that urge to check your mailbox or stop for that coffee:) We would like to maximize the time available to the teams that will be meeting, as everyone's input is valuable.
Also, per your MOU with LPEA, you will not be required to stay more than 2 hours past student dismissal time at your building.
Thank you!!!
If you are unsure of where you are meeting, please let me know or consult with your department heads.
* PSAT will be offered by LPHS Counselors
* Ghouls, Grub and Clubs at Lunch
* Academic Awards Night in LPHS Auditorium, 7:00
* Picture Retake Day
* Fall Auditions after school
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