Monday, May 29, 2023

This Week at LPHS, May 29 - June 2

 This is a big week for LPHS and our senior class specifically.  Thank you for all that you've done to get our students to graduation!  I know there are many that will walk the stage on Wednesday night that you've impacted significantly, and some that would not be there without your efforts!  I think it says a lot about the work that you all do that in a community like the one we work in, our graduation rate is what it is.  We know that our students learn way more than curriculum from you and that in many cases, you are the reason they show up!  Thank you for all of that!  I hope that you are able to come and enjoy the celebration of all of that hard work on Wednesday night!  


* No School, Memorial Day! 


* Commencement Rehearsal, Senior BBQ, Senior Walk (Schedule Below)

* Happy Birthday, Heather Martin! 


* LPHS Commencements, 7:00 pm in LPHS Stadium (Students to arrive at 6:30)


* 8th Grade Students with Autism touring LPHS

Monday, May 22, 2023

This Week at LPHS, May 22-26

Senior Failures Procedure: 

A sheet has been placed in your mailboxes to record senior failures after senior final exams. Every teacher needs to turn one in regardless if you have seniors or if you have seniors that have failed. Please make sure this sheet is turned in to Michele by the end of 4th hour on Thursday, May 25th. This is imperative to find out who is graduating on time this year. See Michele or the Counseling office with any questions. 


* Senior Locker Clean-Out, 3rd Hour

* Happy Birthday, Silvia Guadiana! 


* Senior Exams, Hours 4, 5 and 6

* Happy Birthday, Nyree Cheff! 


* Senior Exams, Hours 1, 2 and 3 - Seniors dismissed at 10:52

* LPMS will be hosting a "Color Run" around campus in the afternoon for LPMS Students. (Just an FYI)

* Happy Birthday, Kat Kernick! 


* Fire Drill, 10:00 am

Sunday, May 14, 2023

This Week at LPHS, May 15-19


* Happy Birthday, Laura Arquette and Carrie Valchine! 


* Top Ten Graduates of Class of 2023 Honored at LPPS Board Meeting, 7:00 pm


* Happy Birthday, Jake Davis! 


* Senior Awards, LPHS Auditorium, 7:00 pm

Sunday, May 7, 2023

This Week at LPHS, May 8 - 12

 Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  This week and always, we appreciate how hard you work for the students of LPHS!  They are lucky to have each and every one of you!  


* Multicultural Day, Media Center, 8:25-10:50 am - There are still two slots available if you haven't signed up to bring your classes.  You can do so here.  

* Mobile Dental, passes will be sent for dental patients.  No day of sign-ups.  


* Early Release Meeting, 1:48-2:48 in LPHS Media Center


* Chik-Fil-A Teacher Appreciation Lunch - More Details to Follow

* Fire Drill, 1:00 

* Happy Birthday, Mike Kish! 


* PBIS Meeting, 7:10, Room 144

* Staff Appreciation Barbecue during all lunches in the courtyard nearest the cafeteria.  


* Riverview Team visiting during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hour to observe co-teachers

* Mobile Dental, passes will be sent for dental patients.  No day of sign-ups.  

* Prom, 6:00-11:00 pm at Arnaldo's of Riverview

* Happy Birthday, Joe Szypula!