Sunday, April 24, 2022

This Week at LPHS, April 25-29


* Prom tickets are on sale all week at the LPHS Bookstore. 


* Early Release and Staff Meeting, 1:48-3:48 in LPHS Media Center

* PSAT Makeups

* Happy Birthday, Leo McMaster! 


* PSAT Makeups

* Happy Birthday, Kevin Magill! 


* SAT Makeups 

* Happy Birthday, Susan Mattingly and Nikki Printz!


* LPHS Drama Club Presents Disney's "Descendants" at 7:00 pm in LPHS Auditorium


 * LPHS Drama Club Presents Disney's "Descendants" at 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm in LPHS Auditorium

* Happy Birthday, Holly Knick! 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

This Week at LPHS, April 18 - 22


* Beach Day - No Bathing Suits!  

* Dodge Ball Tournament - Immediately after school in LPHS Gym


* Time Travel Day, Freshmen - Pre School, Sophomores - Elementary School, Juniors - Mid 30s, Seniors - Senior Citizen


* Mathlete vs. Athlete


* Tie Dye Day

* LPHS Career Day, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

* Happy Birthday, Lori Bodary! 


* Orange and Blue Day


* Happy Birthday, Thomas Stineman! 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

This week at LPHS, April 11-15

 Hello Everyone, 

We have a busy week ahead.  Please see below for all of the pertinent details! 

Also, I missed birthdays last week, so a belated Happy Birthday to Alexis Kur on the 5th and Heidi Beaudrie on the 10th!  


* 1/2 Day for Parent Teacher Conferences - Hours 1-3 on the schedule below: 

* Parent Teachers Conferences 12:00-3:00 and 5:00-8:00, In person 12:00-1:00 and 5:00-6:00 - Please see communication from Mr. Kraft's office regarding required communication for conferences


*Juniors (SAT) and Sophomores (PSAT 10) will report at 7:50 am for testing.  Freshmen and Seniors will have an assignment shared with them that must be completed to be marked present.

Testing students will be dismissed at at 12:15 and 12:45.  Students will have the option to pick up a lunch to take home with them.


* Juniors (ACT WorkKeys) and Freshmen (PSAT 9) will report at 7:50 am for testing.  

* All students will report to 4th hour starting at 11:40 am for hours 4, 5 and 6.  Dismissal  at 2:43.  A bell schedule will be shared later this week. 

* Happy Birthday, Shawn Lange!


* No School, Good Friday


* Happy Birthday, Sierra Ealey!