* Happy Birthday, Nyree Chef!
* Senior Failure sheets were placed in your school mailboxes. Please return them to my office by Thursday (by the end of Virtual 2nd Period)
* Seniors last day in the building
* PD Staff Meeting, 2:50-3:50 - Join here.
* Happy Birthday, Kat Kernick!
* Senior Final Exams, Hours 1-3 - All Virtual
* No Parking in the Staff Lot nearest mural doors
* Senior Final Exams, Hours 4-6 - All Virtual
* Senior Chromebook Dropoff/Material Pickup, 12:00-2:30 LPHS Circle Drive Please remind students that their Chromebooks must be turned in in order to participate in prom and commencements.
* Senior failures due today by 1:42 pm at the latest
* 8th Grade Visit, 1:00 with brief school tour
* Prom, 6:00-10:00 pm, LPHS Staff Parking Lot
* Happy Birthday, Heather Martin!