The slideshow shared earlier this month with directions on transferring grades can be found here.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
This week at LPHS, October 26-30
This week starts the newest phase in Lincoln Park's Return to Learn plan. For all the details, click here.
Monday and Wednesday:
* Direct Instruction provided to virtual learners on the bell schedule here:
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Staff Meeting Updates
Sunday, October 18, 2020
This Week at LPHS, October 19 - 23
Hello All,
This week, we welcome invited students from all four grade levels into the building for Monday through Thursday. As a reminder, you will use the blue tape and do your best to keep students six feet apart in your classrooms. Classrooms that have more than 35 students throughout the day will have their desks cleaned on a schedule provided to maintenance. As a reminder, we have had nowhere near 100% attendance amongst our invited students. Anything you can do to encourage the students who have been invited is appreciated.
If you have not done so already, you can pick up your package of 5 cloth masks, and teachers can pick up a package of wipes in Mr. Kraft's Office (608) with Brittany Teets. A reminder, that the wipes are for student use starting the week of 10:26
Here is the info on the week ahead, which is LPHS's Homecoming Week:
As a reminder, you will enter the data of students that participate in spirit week via links in the email that Leslie sent on Friday.
* Dress like a tourist day
* Share this slide show with your students on Monday and Tuesday.
* Character Day
* Decades Day
* Show Court Speeches to your third hour students (link shared Wednesday morning)
* After sharing speeches, share this link for students to vote. (It is not live yet)
* Class Color Day - Staff to Wear Black (9: white, 10: pink, 11: yellow, 12: red)
* Show Court Speeches to your third hour students (link shared Wednesday morning)
* After sharing speeches, share this link for students to vote. (It is not live yet)
* Over the Top Orange and Blue Day
* Homecoming Game, 7:00 kickoff - King and Queen to be crowned at halftime. The game will be streamed and a link will be provided. If students ask, they are only allowed to attend the game if both they and their parent/guardian have a ticket to the game. Students can not attend any athletic events without a supervising adult.
* There is no homecoming dance this year
* Happy Birthday, Brent Tucker!
Have a great week!
Sunday, October 11, 2020
This Week at LPHS, October 12-16
This week, we are excited some of our LPHS Seniors into the school. The same standard applies for our 6 feet spacing and using the blue tape on the desks. Classrooms that will exceed their number of desks will be cleaned throughout the day, as they were last week.
As a reminder, although students are not in your classroom or on your Google Classroom 5 days a week, the expectation is that they can still be exposed to curriculum five days per week. Obviously, I wouldn't overdue it, but I have gotten some questions from students as to why they have to work on school work on their "off day." There will be more communication to families this week regarding the fact that they do not have off days. The expectation is that they engage with school, either through live lessons, assignments, studying, etc, five days per week.
Now, to the week ahead:
* LPHS Seniors that were invited in will join the freshmen that were already in attendance.
* Early Release Meeting, 1:55-3:45. You can join here. There will be time to work with your departments during this time as well. This is included in PD time, so staff will remain in the building until 3:45
* SAT/PSAT testing day. The only face to face students that will be in the building will be in the ASD program. All other students should remain home. If you are proctoring the exam, please have students that would get direct instruction on Wednesday, join your class on Thursday. Please make sure this is communicated clearly and include an assignment for the day.
* Happy Birthday, Liv Hauser!
* Following the school day, Homecoming Court speeches will be filmed in the auditorium. Feel free to stop by and offer our court some words of encouragement and root them on. Although this year will be different, we still intend to host homecoming week October 19-23 and the king and queen will still be announced at halftime on the 23rd.
* Make a plan now for who you would like to invite in on Friday and communicate this invite to the students and families early in the week. Who you are inviting in should be included in your Friday plans submitted to me prior to the end of the day on Thursday. Please target the students that you know need it most, either academically or emotionally.
* Happy Birthday, Matt Kaminski!
Sunday, October 4, 2020
This Week at LPHS, October 4 - 9
We finally get to welcome more students into the building this week. With that being the case, please review the slide show for PBIS Expectations during COVID and share the presentation with students during third hour on Monday and Tuesday. Everyone being on the same page and understanding their responsibilities are critical to our success and health moving forward.
* Share this presentation with your groups on Monday and Tuesday during third hour.
* Make sure students are 6' apart in all of your classes. For classrooms that will have more students than desks, a cleaning schedule has been shared with maintenance to ensure that desks are cleaned at lunch or on your prep.
* Staff Meeting, 2:45-3:45, We will start with a brief meeting with the link here. You will then complete a psp with your teaching partner, if you have one, and by yourself if you do not.
* PBIS Meeting, 7:10 am - Join here.
* Happy Birthday, Katie Brucki!
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